
Friday, June 14, 2013

Burst of Color

Here we are, Friday, June 14, 2013.  Time is flying by so fast; I'm afraid I'll wake up tomorrow morning and it will be Christmas, LOL!  We have some exciting news to share at Digitally 'Sweet' Challenges, and here are the details.

Hi everyone!! We have been doing some soul searching here at DSC - as you know, Denise and I started this challenge in hopes of keeping it 100% digital, but we've come to the realization that some of you just aren't ready for that yet, but are interested in learning more about it. So, with that being said, we are excited to announce that we are going to change things up a little! You can now enter our challenge with a digital image on a traditional layout, card or project! BUT, there is a little extra reward for those doing 100% digital:

  • ALL entries now qualify for TOP 3 and giveaways
  • 100% digital will get TWO entries in the giveaways
So we're still encouraging you to be as digital as possible, but we want to recognize all of you who enter our challenge. For some of you that are just starting to play with digital images, we want to recognize you to! We'll be looking for tutorials that we can post for you to learn a little more about the digital world and maybe, in time, you'll jump in with both feet and give it a try! We're always here to help!!!!!!!

So, be sure to join us on Friday as we kick off a new challenge with new possibilities!! Cya then!!!!!!

The theme for this week is a photo inspiration.

Several weeks ago we were visiting our son in Georgia, and when we came home our flower gardens had exploded into color!  I just got out of the car and walked around the yard, leaving my poor husband to unload the car by himself!  I did finally manage to go in and unpack.  Thankfully, he's a good sport, LOL!
Created in PSE5
checked paper_Sarah Miller
blue and pink papers_ScrapGirls
flowerpot and birds digital stamps_colored in PSE_Cedar Chest Design

I'm afraid my time on the computer will be very limited for a while; hopefully I'll be able to pick up again later.

Thanks so much for visiting and have a blessed day! 


  1. Hi there, gorgeous creation, love how you incorporated the chicks and flowers.
    Hugs Ali x

  2. I don't know much at all about digital scrapping but I bet the change in rules will get more people involved in the challenges. Great layout Sarah. The photos are lovely and I adore the cheeps. :-) Hugs!

  3. Isn't this pretty! Love the digi you choose!

  4. Oh, these are just beautiful! What a wonderful surprise to come home to!

    Karen DSC DT
