
Friday, April 26, 2013

Raindrops are Diamonds

It's Friday, which means it's time for a new challenge at Digitally 'Sweet' Challenges.

Bling it up with Diamonds

One of my favorite plants is Ladies Mantle.  The yellow green flowers aren't the main attraction; it's the way the raindrops bead up on the leaves and look like diamonds.  

Be sure to check out all the gorgeous inspiration from the rest of the DT and join us with your diamond creations.  The only requirement is that it be 100% digital.

Thanks for visiting and have a blessed day!


  1. What a fabulous picture Sarah. I don't think we have that plant but I've seen raindrops bead on others and they really do look like perfect diamonds. Wonderful layout. Hugs!

  2. They sure do look like diamonds and that plant is gorgeous, never even heard of it! Fantastic LO!
