
Friday, April 12, 2013

A 'Barely There' Animal Layout

It's a beautiful Friday again, and time for a new challenge at Digitally 'Sweet' Challenges!

Animal Fun

Cedar Chest Designs
One lucky winner will win a $10 gift certificate!

I got myself in a bit of trouble this week.  As I was browsing through CCD, I saw this lighthouse image and immediately thought, "That would work great with my lighthouse photo".  I was almost finished with my LO when I remembered; our theme is Animal Fun!  I had already downloaded the image which meant I had to use it.  For some reason, my mind latched on to this photo I had taken of my son.  

(And this is where I'm in trouble again; I can hear him now!)  Heather, sweet DIL, could we just keep this between us girls?!  I had him stand in our yard with his fishing pole, holding out his hand as if he were holding something.  I later added the fish bowl and fish. Extracting him and that skinny fishing pole from the background was a bit of a challenge.

If you noticed, I had stuck his kitty kat in his pocket, but that was a poor representation for an animal theme LO.  So I then tried to extract Zoey ( animals are notoriously hard to extract!) and added her. 

O.K., a fish, a cat, and a dog.  And a lighthouse.  And, oh yes, a son who puts up with all my weird ways!

It's been a long week!  sigh

created with Photoshop Elements;  Cedar Chest Designs:  trellis paper, lighthouse and jellyfish images
I cut a piece of the sky from the photo to place behind the lighthouse image
all other elements_shelleyrae_Oceanside Kit

I hope you join us for some animal fun; I'll be looking for your fun LO's!  Only requirement is that they be 100% digital.
Thanks for visiting and have a blessed day!

Make it Monday:  anything goes
Mema's Crafts:  anything goes
Pin and Tack:  anything goes
The Crafty Bloggers Network:  anything goes
The Sisterhood of Crafters:  animal antics
Bearly Mine Challenges:  anything goes
Scrapping Everyday Miracles:  all God's creatures


  1. What a fabulolus layout, love the photo, lighthouse image and the animals of course. Thank you for joining us at the Crafty Bloggers Network Challenge.

    Sylvia xx (DT)

  2. Wow... Sarah, this is such a fun and beautiful project! I love how you make the beautiful background scene from back yard to ocean side. Very creative! Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week. Hope you enjoy your weekend. ^_^

  3. OMGosh Sarah your LO is fabulous!! I love the fun scene you've created! So many details... awesome work! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
    Hugs, Tammy

  4. Oh my gosh this is hysterical!!! I love it!! And what creativity and talent it took to produce this. Super fun!
    Thank you for sharing this with us over at the Sisterhood!

  5. Wow, fab, fun LO and your Son was a great sport lol!
    Hugs Jo x

  6. Such a creative project... fantastic work! I saw this on MIM and had to come over for a closer look.

  7. This is awesome and the story behind the creation is hilarious. I would love to sit with you and watch you create a card from beginning to end. You, my dear, are a true card maker!

    PS - Love that Atlanta Braves hat too. I live in Myrtle Beach SC.

  8. LOL. Looks pretty amazing to me. I'm terrible with trying to pull out bits and pieces in PS. It's interesting and fun. Hugs!

  9. This is a fabulous creation! The story is hilarious and I love it. Thanks for taking time to visit my place and play with us.

    If you haven't already done so, be sure and enter the blog giveaway. Of course that is if you wish (smiles)

  10. Lovely project. Saw you at Make it Monday (#229 Keti)

  11. OMG this is so cool ... what fun! It would take me a month of Sunday's to figure out how to do this! ADORABLE!!! and very creative!
    Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood ‘Animal Antics’ challenge and please come back again soon!
    one of the 'Sistahs'
    The Sisterhood of Crafters

  12. That is just too cute!
    Thanks for playeing at SEM

  13. Great LO, I love all the extras you have popped in, thanks for joining us over at the CBN Challenge this month
    Crafty Bloggers Network DT
    My Blog: A Crafty Blether

  14. This is a great layout.
    Thank you for joining us at Bearly Mine Designs this week.

  15. Such an amazing, whimsical LO!! Love the quotation, too!! Thanks for joining us for the SEM April challenge!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  16. Great creation! Thank you so much for joining our last "Anything goes" Challenge over at Bearly Mine. Tune in our new Challenge again. We would love to see you again.

    Hugs, Natascha

  17. lol,very cute!hanks for playing along at SEM!

  18. LOL that's funny. Thanks for joining in our challenge at SEM. =)

  19. awesome work! love how you "fussy-cut" the elements! thanks for joining us over at SEM!

  20. Wow, that's some intense Photoshop work!! I love it, it is so fun! Thanks for playing along with us at SEM!

  21. What an awesome layout...and I am totally in awe of your photoshop skills!! Thanks so much for joining our "All God's Creatures" challenge at SEM this month!!

  22. Really cute and I like how you really made the lighthouse work after all!

  23. How fun! Fab project. Thankyou for joining us this month at Crafty Bloggers Network.
    Geraldine M
    CBN DT
