
Friday, March 22, 2013

DSC#28, Spring/Pastel Colors

It's time for another Digitally Sweet Challenge and this week our theme is 'Spring/Pastel Colors. When our son and DIL moved to Georgia, we discovered Callaway Gardens.  It's one of my favorite places to visit in the spring when the Rhododendrons and Azaleas are blooming.  The sight of all those beautiful flowers always lifts my spirits after our dreary winters.  Did you know that Youngstown, Ohio is #22 in the list of the top 101 cities with the lowest average sunshine?  My immediate area is #35.  No wonder we get grouchy, LOL!  It also explains why I pick up this photo album several times during the winter, just to remind myself that the flowers will return!

I hope you hop on over to the Digitally 'Sweet' Challenge blog; I know you'll be inspired by all the gorgeous projects from our very talented DT!  We're looking forward to seeing your own creative projects!  The only thing to remember is that your creation has to be 100% digital, meaning no part of it has been created off the computer.

Thanks so much for visiting and have a blessed day!
created with Photoshop Elements 5

Tuesday Alchemy:  anything goes
Challenges 4 Everybody:  anything goes


  1. Beautiful my friend! My mom and I sure enjoyed those azaleas yesterday. Nothing like flowers to put a smile on your face. Lovely layout. Hugs!

  2. Very pretty! Do you really think winter is ever going to end? This seems like the everlasting winter!

  3. What a beautifully planned the detailing...Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Alchemy Anything Goes Challenge
