
Friday, March 15, 2013

A Promise in the Rainbow

It's time for another Digitally Sweet Challenge and this week our theme is 'Rainbows/Rainbow Colors.  Rainbows always make me think of Noah and the Ark, and that thought leads to promises.  Which is why I focused on promises, if that makes any sense, LOL!   The snowdrops in my photo are definitely a promise of spring!

The kit is 'My Lucky Charm' from Template Dreams.  This is an amazing kit!  I love the colors and all the elements that are included.

I hope you will join us with your digital projects.  The only requirement is that it is completely digital, meaning no part of your project has been created off the computer.

I will be spending the day at the hospital with my friend, doing more tests to determine if there are any more signs of cancer.  We'd appreciate your prayers!

Thanks for visiting and have a blessed day!


  1. Beautiful Sarah ,I am always in awe of you digital crafters! The snowdrops are beautiful. Remembering your friend in prayer.

  2. such a wonderful layout, love how you used the clusters
