
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday, Jan.13, 2013 Challenges

Here are some Sunday challenges. Happy crafting!

Christmas Card Challenges:  weekly
#7 Silhouettes

CLP Challenge:  once a month
365 Cards:  Sunday sketch
OWH (Operation Write Home)
Sketchy Colors:  weekly

Challenges 4 Everybody:  bi-weekly
always anything goes

Crafting When We Can:  bi-weekly, 2 entries, 5 challenges 
#35 Favourite things, week 2

Creative Inspirations Paint:  bi-weekly, multiple entries
Inspired By: Your Favorite Stamp, week 1 
Dream Valley Challenges:  bi-weekly, 3 entries
#48 Anything goes, week 2

Gingerloft Challenge: bi-weekly

GL55 Winter or Let It Snow, week 1

Quirky Crafts:  bi-weekly, 3 entries
Something new... with pink, week 2

The Squirrel and the Fox:  bi-weekly
#35 Anything goes, week 1

 613 Avenue Create:  weekly
#2 Anything goes

Come and Get It Challenges:  weekly, 2 entries

 Tie a Ribbon Around It
Cupcake Inspiration:  weekly
use cupcake inspiration picture 

Glitter and Sparkle:  weekly
#15 Use A Digi
Pile It On Challenge:  weekly
PIO #2 Happy Funny Birthday

Sentimental Sundays:  weekly, 3 entries 
will resume Jan. 20

Stamptacular Sundays:  weekly 
#198 Sketch challenge; and don't forget to STAMP
Have a blessed day!

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