
Monday, January 28, 2013

Hymn and Scripture Chalenge

Patter has chosen one of my favorite songs for this weeks hymn challenge.  You'll want to make sure and read all her information about this song on her blog, Triple The Scraps.  It is an amazing story!  It makes me ashamed of how out of sorts I can get about such minor things.  

To be able to pen such an amazing song during such heartache and tragedy is indeed a testimony of the incredible peace that can come only from a deep relationship with our Father, God.

John14: 27
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid".

Thanks for visiting and have a blessed day!


  1. Beautiful layout Sarah! I love the blues and the candle makes it so serene.

  2. This is a lovely page. I like the use of the candle... makes me think of the hymn writer, writing the hymn by candle light. Isn't it wonderful to know the peace that only He can give. Bless You

  3. This is beautiful ! The colours and the candle are so meaningful and a wonderful scripture .

  4. So lovely! The candle and that gorgeous bracket around the scripture are such wonderful page elements. :-)

  5. Beautiful page Sarah. Love the candle and the colours!!! Blessings!!


  6. Sarah what a beautiful page with the candle and love what you had to say. Yes we can find peace when we are a child of the KING!

  7. What a fabulous page, Sarah! That "lit" candle is just gorgeous!...Nancy :o)

  8. lovely take on that favorite hymn. I love the light of the candle and am singing 'this little light of mine' now!

  9. This is a beauty! Love the blue and what a gorgeous candle!
