
Thursday, November 8, 2012

You Are Loved

Last month I was asked to create an album for our pastor for pastor appreciation. The congregation was asked to create a thank you card with a note of encouragement, but no specifics were given, so I received quite a variety of sizes and styles. Quite a challenge, LOL! I decided to do a flip album. I've had this paper pack (DCWV 'the Performance stack') for a long time but couldn't find the right project until now. Our pastor and his son are part of our worship team and music is a big part of their lives so this was perfect.

The chipboard shapes and pearls were part of my birthday present from my son and DIL, thanks! This is one of my fav laces!
the inside of the cover. There are some beautiful vellum papers included with this paper pack and I thought about placing it over top of this page but then decided against it. I was afraid the giver might think I was trying to cover up her work and this was one time when the thought was more important than the presentation.

it flips open to reveal a pocket which is held closed with a magnet...

and holds a little booklet with cards from the children.
the other side has three pockets for the messages from the assistant pastors and elder.
When it's completely flipped open there is a flip page to hold smaller cards and on the right are some purchased cards and some that were e-mailed which I printed out and made into cards. This was a challenge! After praying about it, I thought about sewing them together with a coptic stitch. I had never tried it before so I turned to my instruction manual, (youtube!). It worked great and I used an elastic cord to hold them in place.

 completely flipped open

I added an envelope on the back and included a little tag from me.

This book turned out a little heavier than I realized it would, but it feels very sturdy and I really loved the design. They  enjoyed reading all the thoughts from everyone and I was glad I had the opportunity to create it for them.
Word Art Wednesday:  give thanks/open
Stampin' Sisters in Christ: Create a card of project depicting thankfulness or prayer. It can be a Thanksgiving card/project, a thank-you note, or an "I'm praying for you" type card/project

And now I'm off to create a mini for a very special little lady who requested a book of her own. I'm going to have to readjust my thinking to a 10 year old. Here's hoping she'll like it!

Thanks so much for visiting and have a blessed day!


  1. Hi Sarah! I'm SO super excited that you've shared another beautiful card with us at Word Art Wednesday. As a lover of music, and a Music Major in college, this card is so lovely to me. I had a dear friend who played the viola (he has since passed away), so this is very dear to me. Thanks so much for bringing me a very happy memory today through your art. I am blessed beyond words that you have found us at Word Art Wednesday, and I hope that you enjoy our fellowship enough to continue sharing your awesome and inspiring art with us each week. I look forward to seeing more of it, and pray that you will also be blessed in playing along with us. Thanks for this wonderful reminder of my dear friend, Stewart. You really made me happy today by sharing!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Sarah, it's obvious you didn't bury your talent.
    WOW! that is one well done ambitious project. (understatement of the week) Personally I intend to study this very closely on more than one occassion. Many people will be blessed by it, your Pastor for sure. Thank you so mcuh for posting on our page please come back.
    your talent.

  3. Wow Sarah this is totally amazing. What a gorgeous album. I am completely taken with the lace on the cover-it's just exquisite. I am sure this will be a cherished piece-it's incredible.
    Bear Hugs,

  4. such dedication to a beautful piece of work -- what an incredible gift.

  5. This is one of the most beautiful gift ideas I've ever seen Sarah. You should be proud of this. It's absolutely gorgeous and perfectly designed. Hugs!

  6. This is so perfect for the occasion, Sarah! You are amazing at creating these albums and this one sounds like it had some challenges to deal with! I can't wait to see what you come up with next! I miss you! Blessings! Kathy

  7. What an amazingly intricate album...this is beautiful!! What a lovely gift idea also! Thanks so much for joining us this week at SSiC!!

  8. Hi again Sarah! Congratulations on winning at Word Art Wednesday. I can't find your email address, so I need you to email me so that I can send you a winner's badge for your blog and arrange for you to get your prize. I look forward to hearing from you.
    karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  9. Sarah this is a fabulous project and I am sure the Pastor was beyond pleased to receive this, I know I would be!

  10. Such a wonderful project,you can tell you put a lot of love into it. I think your Pastor must have been thrilled with it!
