
Monday, March 5, 2012

Lovely Monday Morning

What a lovely surprise to see that Nat had awarded me with this 
Liebster Blog award.

The Liebster Award takes it's name from the German word
meaning  Beloved, Dearest or Favorite.
It is given to bloggers who have a small following - under 200 followers.
As part of the tradition it is passed along to 5 bloggers that have
motivated and inspired.
To accept the award you must:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them
2. Post the award to your blog
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers
that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.

This is the hard part choosing only 5 here is my choice.

1.Debbie at Deb's Crafty Time 
2. Tine at Crafting Christine
3. Jacqueline at Jacks Arty Crafty Kreations
4. Mary at My Scrap Happy Life
5. Kit at Paperkitz
Thanks so much and have a blessed day!


  1. Sarah, how kind of you. Thank you. Glad you like my cards.
    Tine :)

  2. Thank you, Sarah! You are so sweet and I am very honored just to have "met" you!

  3. Hi Sarah, thank you so much for the award and for your lovely comments.You are so kind.I really do appreciate it.Hugs Debbie.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
