
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Something Exciting!

I have some very exciting news to share!  I applied for a DT position with Heartfelt Creations and I have been accepted as a semi-finalist!  I am ecstatic, over the moon, LOL!

It has been a dream of mine to be part of their team for quite a long time.   Of course, there's still one more step to go to actually be accepted but I am so honored that they liked my work enough to give me this chance.  I fell in love with their products the moment I saw them.

So now I will need your help!!!  They are having their customers involved in selecting the finalists and voting for their favorites.  If you like my creations, PLEASE let them know by voting for me on their blog!   Here's part of the post:

from the Heartfelt Creations Blog
DT Semi- finalists: Today we are pleased to announce the HC Design Team Semi-finalists. Choosing from such great talent and diversified submissions is very difficult and we appreciate all the applicants that participated in the design team call. Without further ado, here are the semi-finalists;: Dawn Lotharius, Sarah Miller, Connie Piotter, KimberlyRae Forde, Susan O'Connell, Alissa Wells, Stephanie Lee, Erika Selander, Linda Neff, Emily Neihaus, Mari Harpham, Kathleen Rooney, Deborah Cuypers, Charmagne Welch-Rivera, Rachel Dluhy, Miranda van den Bosch, Stacy Cook, Debrah Scott, Giovana Smith, Jackie Payne, Jackie Smith, Karin Zander, Cynthia Lorens Renaud, Marisa Job, Linda Selymes, Kim Nath, and Steph AckermanCongratulations! The semi-finalists will be recieving some HC products and then they will be creating two projects for the final round. The design team finalists will be announced on April 25.
Vote for your favorite Semi-finalists: We would love to have you particpate and vote your 5 favorite semi-finalists listed above. Review each one of their blogs and then CLICK HERE to submit your vote. When you vote, you will also be entered into a drawing to be eligible to win a $50 HC Gift Certificate. You can only vote one time and you have to select 5 or more to be eligible to participate. Voting ends on April 13th, 2012

Here are the three projects that I submitted for consideration.

Get Well Card and box (for more details, click here)

 Treasured Memories  (for more details, click here)

 Altered Domino Mini (for more details, click here)

So now I'm off to my craft room to design two more projects for consideration.  Wish me lots of creative ideas!  Thank you so much for taking the time to share this day with me.  May you truly be blessed!



  1. You do lovely work.... you deserve to be a finalist!


  2. Beautiful creations, you have my vote.

  3. Congrats !I am also a semi finalists and just wanted to stop in and wish you luck

  4. WOW! Gorgeous altered domino album!

  5. Congratulations! Your work is beautiful!!! I'm a semi-finalist too! Good luck in the next round...maybe we'll be teammates! Blessings! Kathy

  6. A lovely blog you have Sarah and your work is gorgeous! I am a semi-finalist also and wish you the best of luck.

  7. Gorgeous work! I'm also a semi-finalist and wish you the best.
    Hugs and Blessings,
    KimberlyRae :)

  8. H in Georgia just voted for you (and B will be voting for you too). Good luck! Heartfelt Creations certainly has lovely products, and I've no doubt you'd be an asset to their design team.

  9. Congratulations and good luck! I just love that mini book you made. Beautiful. :)

  10. gorgeous work Sarah. good luck to you too!

  11. Congratulations and good luck. :)

  12. I have voted for you Sarah, you deserve a place for all your gorgeous work. Your blog is always full of inspiration!

  13. Voted for you, Gal! I tried to join your Blog but it won't let me. Have I been bad?! Hugs! Kit

    1. Ha Ha! No hun, you're always good! It probably won't let you 'cause you've already joined but thanks for checking and a big THANK YOU for voting! Hugs

    2. But I wanted to join TWICE because your blog is twice as good! LOL! Hope you had a Blessed Easter, Gal! Hugs....

  14. PS...your domino book is BRILLIANT!!!!

  15. Thank you everyone! I do so appreciate all of you! Hugs

  16. Hi Sarah, thank you for taking the time to wish me luck in the HC design team final. You have some beautiful work displayed on your blog. I also wish you luck and who knows we may be working together soon.
