
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Blog Candy

There's going to be a birthday in the house!  And no, it's not mine.  It will be my husband's, on March 4.  Is that a good enough reason to give away some blog candy, LOL?!  I wanted to give away some blog candy for my first blogaversary which was in January but somehow it slipped by so we'll do it now.

I love Tammy's images at A Day For Daisies.  If you are familiar with her designs than you know what I mean; if not then you'll enjoy being introduced to her amazing art work.

There will be a first and second prize.  First prize is a $12.00 gift certificate and second is $4.00.
Entering couldn't be easier.  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. 

Entries will end March 11, 2012  and we will do the draw on March 12.  Be sure to check back.  Thank you!


  1. Happy birthday to your dh and happy belated blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. How of you to do this! Happy blog-versary

  3. Happy birthday to hubby and happy Blog-versary, Sarah! I think I am a follower, but am signing up again to be sure! Thank you for doing this...I could take lessons from you! Hugs, KitB

  4. Happy blog a versary ! I really enjoy visiting to have a look at your beautiful projects.

  5. How exciting! Celebrations all round! But especially Happy Blogaversary and thank you for the lovely message you left on my blog!
    Nat -x-

  6. Happy Blog Anniversary, best wishes for the next year. Thanks for following my blog and loveley message. Cheers Suw N xx

  7. Happy Birthday to Hubby for Sunday and happy blogaversary!

    You popped over to my blog and left a lovely comment, so I had to come and visit :)

    Berni xx

  8. Happy birthday to DH and happy blogversary to you! What a thoughtful thing. I love Day for Daisies

  9. Happy Blogaversary for last January & birthday wishes to your OH. Great month to have a birthday - but I am biased! LOL.
    Tine :)

  10. Happy belated blog anniversary, and birthday to your husband! Thanks for sharing.

  11. wishing you a happy birthday is also this moth the 21.thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Hi Sarah, congratulations on your 1st blog anniversary which was in January.Hope your hubby had a good birthday.Thank you for the chance to win.Hope you're okay.Hugs Debbie Johns x
