
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Birdhouse Mini

Here is a cute little birdhouse mini that I made following Kit's tutorial.  I love her videos, she's so much fun!  

This one uses images from Abby at Little Birdie Blessings and The Graphic's Fairy.  Since it's a birdhouse, I decided to use scripture verses about birds.  The verse on the third page is the one from Matthew 6:26.  Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow, nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value then they?  How many times have I had to remind myself of this truth?!

There are 14 pages to add pictures or journaling.  I decided I wanted to stamp this flower flourish from Heartfelt Creations on the inside of the front after I had already decorated the front.  To solve my little problem, I stamped the image on tissue paper, colored it with Creative Inspirations Paint, (which gives such a beautiful shimmer and sparkle) and then adhered it with gel medium.  The gel medium makes the tissue paper translucent, so now you can't see the tissue paper and it looks as if it was stamped on the card stock.  I stamped the bird, cut it out, covered it in UTEE, and added it with pop dots.

I sewed beads around the first page.  After I uploaded my pics, I realized that I misspelled 'Solomon'!  Now that's going to bug me until I fix it, LOL.

Last week, Abby posted the sheet music for Joyful, Joyful we adore thee.  I thought that was such an appropriate song for this mini.  Birds always sound so joyful.  So I added that to the reverse side of the pages.

The front of the birdhouse.

I loved making this book.  I'll be making some more; I think these would be a wonderful place to keep inspirational quotes, sayings, and verses .

I'm not sure if this meets the requirements at Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenges to 'make me smile, create a happy card'.  If not, feel free to ignore, LOL.

Thanks so much for visiting and have a blessed day!


  1. Oh Sarah, your project is breathtaking. You know I love birds, music and scripture. You've embellished this so beautifully. It must have taken a lot of time and I can tell you enjoyed making it. Thanks so much for adding this to Scripture Thursday, and for the link back to me. I'll be pinning this to my board of things made with my images, and might just have to make one of these for my friends upcoming birthday. What are your dimensions? Thanks again, just so beautiful!! ~ Abby

  2. So beautiful, Sarah! I always love anything to do with birds, or music, and Scripture, of course! So I really do like this lovely project very much!...Nancy :o)

  3. I am in awe, Sarah! Your birdhouse mini is fabulous! I feel Blessed to have had the opportunity to meet you, Gal! Thank you for that! I will know you will be out there giggling with me when I do my videos....I am a Preacher's Kid (PK....PaperKitz....see?!) and I know the Blessings of Scripture. Your beautiful creation from the heart sure meets my requirement of "make me smile!" Blessed Hugs, Sarah! KitB (PaperKitz)

  4. Awesome idea love the shape and how you have decorated it

  5. I am lovin' this mini Sarah! What a totally adorable little book. Thanks so much for adding the instruction post. I think I'm going to have to give one of these a try real soon. :-) Hugs!

  6. This is truly adorable! Great job. I think it would definitely qualify - because it made me smile! :) Thanks for sharing with us.

  7. This is a gorgeous amazing project. I love the sheet music page. Thanks for sharing with the stampin' sisters in Christ challenge.

  8. This is absolutely beautiful! such a lot of work, a beautiful keepsake to treasure.
