
Monday, December 12, 2011

First Apartment, First Christmas Tree=

A need for some Christmas ornaments.  So what does a crafty grandmother do but offer to make some.  And that is just what we did today.

But first things first.  Before she arrived, we received a phone call asking if we would please make some broccoli, noodle soup!   Her favorite food at grandma's house.  So grandpa went grocery shopping and then prepared some yummy soup.  Thank you, grandpa!

After a delicious meal, (by a cozy fireplace) we went to work.  I taught her how to use the Cuttlebug but she decided (after making several dozen scalloped circles) that it was too much work.  She didn't know how much work went into making ornaments, LOL!  It was a good experience.

She wanted to make some personalized ornaments for her friends and so we put pictures on the scalloped circles with pop dots and then added some stickles around the frames.

We also made some cones to hold treats, which she will hang on the tree.

Some rosettes with rhinestones and stickles and some baubles.

And a book page wreath.  We discovered these were really time consuming but very pretty when finished.
 And some TP roll stars with some more rosettes, rhinestones and lots of gold stickles!

After spending all day making ornaments, we were tired but very pleased with the results.  Are they perfect?  No, but we had a perfectly wonderful day together and I think that is the very best part of Christmas.

I wish for you an amazingly wonderful Christmas season!  Hugs,Sarah and Mercede

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